All posts by oliverdleman

Le Bio: -This Is Oliver, he is full of ideas. Some are crazy.

100 Word Challenge Week 33

A ship soars nearby the Bermuda Sea; a captain of the ship leads his boat into the treacherous waters it lays. The legends of lost ships and savage weather of the Bermuda gave this captain a frightening thought but he stood brave and towards he goes into the mysterious sea. As his ship entered, a hurricane appeared out of nowhere. With ferocious winds that make palm trees shake with such might shook the boat. But the ferocious wind didn’t scare the Captain. As he faced it he woke up and realised he was hallucinating on his boat because of dehydration.

100 Word Challenge

In the woods there was a little girl named Goldilocks. She went venturing through the forest and stumbled on a house and she just entered. How rude entering someone’s house when no one answers! There inside was 3 bowls of porridge, one hot, one cold, and one fit for a child. Goldilocks was hungry and started eating the porridges, one by one with disgust. Feeling tired she went upstairs and saw 3 beds: a big, a medium, and a small bed for a child. She then went in the small bed and relaxed. It seems like Goldilocks was an intruder.

100 Word Challenge Week 30

A morning in the valley of music, a drum plays to a funky beat in the distance. A village with its people eating their Kellogg’s Cornflake cereal began to listen to the beat and started to stop their breakfast and dance. The people danced and smiled because the exciting beat that filled their ears with joy was nothing more than the simple happiness of life. The animals of the valley began to dance to the drums beat as well. A lion was doing a break dance, the insects were doing a shuffle, and everyone was in joy in the valley

Today is 1/4/15!


Note: *Please click on “read more” because you may need to look at the full post.

Well it’s April.

You know what that means!


Well this is just a post for all you people to see how you can just enjoy the 1st of April.

Wait what if you read this after April fools day? Too bad if you missed it.

Have a happy April folks!


Note: There is free cake next week…





Just kidding, there is no cake!!!

Reflection on Passion Project presentation

Well on Thursday last week I had a presentation about my passion project proposal. So what I am doing on my passion project was a redesign of a new student lounge, in Minecraft, in our school because it looks “sad” I mean we could do better than couches and stuff laying everywhere. Anyway my reflection on the presentation I did was ok, and it seemed that I’ve did a pretty good job yeah…. I did prepare to present this proposal and it didn’t take long, all I needed was photos of the work I’ve done and notes to guide me when I’m speaking. The people who came to my presentation was: my class (obviously), Ms. Taynton, Ms. Karen, Ms. Tara, Benson, and Hannes. Well Benson and Hannes were there for some reason but didn’t bother the class. There were suggestions and comments afterwards during the presentation where the audience pointed out that I should: paint the walls, use IKEA furniture, etc…

So my presentation was not spectacular but it was above level at least and I had points and aims towards this project to cover up the entire thought of my passion. Anyway I should’ve done something else than remaking the student lounge and just go for my passions but though I just want to make a good image on my school community and contributions in life I’ve did to help others and that’s good…

– For some reason I don’t think this writing display is well done, I mean the format, please ignore…

100 Word Challenge

There was a legend about a pilot named Jacko. He flies planes through anything dangerous. It has been said through old documents his biggest stunt was flying through a meteor shower. The new said before his flight that there was a meteor shower happening in the evening. As daredevil Jacko flew into the blazing fiery meteors his words said: “This meteor storm is blazing before my eyes! And then when I looked out of the plane window I saw light. I have made it through the shower.” Jacko made it through the death-defying stunt and was never heard ever again……..

~ 100 Word Challenge (Week 20) ~

There was a legend about a miserable sandwich on top of a mountain of a valley. And there was a grey hyena that lived down the valley who he was fascinated with eating food. The hyena heard about this sandwich from story books, he wanted to confront this sandwich because he had never heard of a “miserable sandwich”. So the curious yet-hungry-who-will-eat-anything-hyena went off to climb the misty mountain. But it took a long time to climb to the peak. Once he climbed on top of the mountain peak, there was no sandwich. He just realized it was a myth.

Reflection on exams –

What about exams?

Well the exams were one of the things that I heard that were frustrating, dull, boring, exciting, challenging, and most of all stressful. But I pushed those thoughts out of my mind. Most of the my fewer classmates struggled and were stressed and were studying for hours. The truth is I studied just 1 hr for each day, 30 mins revising on the bus in the morning on the way to school, and just 5 mins to get refreshed at night. The thing I was doing for the week before the exam and during the exam week made me calm. I did got good standard grade on the exams but I could’ve done better, not that I need more studying it’s that the management of time use of taking the exams. For example, when I was taking the Language Arts exam it seemed easy. I went through all the questions but the thing was that I didn’t answer some of them and particularly the ones I CAN do. The situation was that I “phased out”, having a blank mind (Pausing in certain moments in the exam just for 1 min on a very simple thing the cause is that when some questions are easy the answer needs to be perfect than a simple answer; causing a “brain process”). After the exams I was relieved but I saw the mistakes of me “Phasing out”, next time i’ll do much better in the exams.

Entry 8 (possibly 9) “The Boy at the End of the World” Greg van Eekhout

Page 112 is where I read up to from 87 in this book. I came across some weird events in the story where Fisher the boy who is keen on surviving and has a feeling that he needs to find out about more of how he was made into this wild ravaged world. He is buddied with a Robot click which helps him with what dangers he must face in the world, and a big woolly mammoth “Protein” who is the strength and defence throughout this part in the book;  Fisher desperately wants to eat protein but tries not to because he makes a big effort of moving things, and scaring little pests like rats the size of Fisher. Fisher realises his world around him that he needs to survive because he is made that way genetically by scientists long before he was born in order to save the human race. Weirdly the book has features of the world that is different than the modern one. River whales, parrots larger than eagles, extinct mammoths, flesh eating man rodents, and buzzing patrol drones trained to kill roam this vast habitat where Fisher faces. Psychologically Fisher realises he wants more than to survive, he wants to know what happened to the human race and find if there is anymore. Fisher does know that he feels something in his ‘gut’ that there maybe human life in a colony in the south where can solve his answers.